Sunday, October 17, 2010

Falling Leaves taste good?

It seems as if time just flies by, especially with our beautiful girl growing like a weed.  It is hard to believe that the leaves are leaving us, and that white stuff will be here sooner than we would like. (With white stuff comes an orange round ball also)  We continue to be amazed at how much Stella is learning each and everyday.  She now knows how to get something when she wants it.  She waddles, military crawls, and rolls all over the place.  She is always finding something that catches her attention.  We are waiting for the time when she crawls, as of now she gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth.  She is figuring out how to feed herself some finger foods, although she by no means has this mastered.  New toys amaze her, but to her there is nothing more interesting than an items' tag.  It doesn't matter how colorful, or loud, or bright something is, Stella will find the tag and play with it instead of the toy itself.  This should make birthdays rather simple in the future!!

Stella also experienced her first babysitter that was not family or daycare.  Mom and Dad attended a "Beers around the World" party and Whitney Sevey was kind enough to watch our sleeping cutie.  They had tons of fun, and we wanted to thank Whitney so much!!  We are so happy that Stella is very laid back (I wonder who she gets that from); it is nice that she doesn't mind just going with the flow sometimes.  This is especially the case when Daddy is taking care of Stell Belle!  One of our favorite pictures so far...


  1. Love the last pic. I don't think Miss Stell Belle could get any cuter!

    Can't wait for her to be friends with our baby:)


  2. she is a wise woman in a young body!
