Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shop 'Till Stella Drops!

As Christmas Day approaches we've been busy.  This Saturday Stella spent the whole day with Mommy and Gianna so Gia's parents could do some holiday shopping.  It was so much fun to see the girls entertain one another!

Sunday we literally shopped until Stella didn't want to shop any longer.  She was so tired but wouldn't give in to all of the hustle and bustle so we headed home.  She was a happy girl when we visited Santa though and it really was a productive day.

Stella and her new friend, with an angel looking over her shoulder.

So far Stella doesn't seem all that interested in our Christmas tree which we don't mind at all!

Other news this week: Stella has begun to prop herself up on her knees and will reach for things.  She is so proud of herself when she is able to pat the couch!  Also, she is working on learning how to use a sippy cup and is doing a great job!


  1. she is such a beautiful little girl, and her mother has great taste in choosing her fabulous wardrobe! Merry Christmas!--Sue Thomas

  2. WoooooHOooooo She looks so happy, We see alot of magical moments in her. Be safe and remember the Holiday spirit.

    PS: keep sharing the pictures!

    Gary and Chris Gilson

  3. What a great holiday picture! She sure does look like a happy girl - Enjoy your holiday together.
    love & miss you
