Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stella's First Christmas

We had a full house for Stella's First Christmas and it was lots of fun!  Stella hasn't learned how to unwrap a gift yet but Mommy helped her out.  She received lots of nice things - clothes, toys, books, and Santa brought her a big girl car seat which her cousin Dana helped her unwrap (Dana noticed right away that it would be too big for Stella to unwrap by herself!).  We enjoyed a delicious Prime Rib dinner at Aunt Mary Jane and Uncle Neil's where we spent most of the day.  It was a relaxing and memorable day!

Stella pulling herself up at Aunt Mary Jane's

This purse ornament was a gift from Nancy H - it is the perfect size for Stella to carry around, although this isn't exactly what we had imagined...

Stella is doing well pulling herself up and pulled herself along the church pew on Christmas Eve.  She is starting to be a little bit more brave as each day passes, despite a few falls here and there, and it is fun to watch her learn and prepare for her first steps!

This week Stella and Mommy will head back to Burlington for a routine check-up at the Neonatal Follow-Up Clinic and a visit with Auntie Caroline.

1 comment:

  1. love the purse pic, glad you had a nice Christmas, now to tackle 2011 -----Sue Thomas
