Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bye Bye Bottle

Stella continues to work toward the usual milestones for toddlers.  Moving from the bottle exclusively to a sippy cup is her most recent accomplishment.  We are so proud of her!  The transition was much easier than we had imagined, and we are excited to have purchased our last can of formula for her.  We suspect that walking will be her next milestone - she is getting closer every day.

Stella is such a sweet little girl who is happy and laid back most of the time.  Her personality is developing though and she is starting to express a little bit of an attitude.  She's not always agreeable, such as in these photos where she's very upset about having her diaper changed...

Stella and daddy were spoiled by lots of time together this past week during the public school mid-winter break.  It's back to the usual routine this week though.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying the blog and news of the beautiful Stella----------Sue Thomas
