Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Snow Baby

Tonight we entered Stella in the Tri-Town Winter Carnival Snow Babies contest.  This year's theme is the 1950's and it just so happens that a family neighbor from Canton, Irene Patterson, passed along some of her daughters baby clothing this past summer.  While I never imagined having the opportunity for Stella to wear a truly vintage dress this was the perfect opportunity!

A Fluffy Stage

Stella's Our Star
A Special Necklace (Passed down from Mommy)

Close-Up of Vintage Dress


  1. These pics are beautiful but of course the subject is Beautiful. She is growing so fast...Ty is still jealous of the hair he is still bald :)


  2. beautiful, she is already a winner---Sue Thomas

  3. I remember that necklace! She is such a cutie, I am sure she will win.

