Sunday, March 13, 2011

Basketball Regionals

Cuddle time is the best time!

Yesterday we traveled to Troy, NY for a BMC basketball game.  Stella had a good time at the game and didn't seem to mind the trip at all.  There were a lot of fans cheering on the Panthers and although we didn't capture a win it was a great game!  Like several of daddy's players though, Stella really wasn't feeling very well.  Our poor little girl became sick in the car twice on the way there.  At first we thought maybe she was car sick, but after returning home she still seemed to be a bit under the weather.   She hasn't had much of an appetite, which is very uncharacteristic for her, and she has slept a lot!  She slept in until 10:30 this morning (a first ever!), took two naps, and went to bed at 8 o'clock, her usual time.  While she was mostly a happy girl when she was awake today we think she's fighting something off.  Stella is not walking yet but she is making good progress.

Stella cheering with Craig Rowe for our panthers!

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