Sunday, March 20, 2011

Final Four

Although the Panthers didn't qualify for the final four a group of our friends traveled to Glens Falls for the weekend for the state tournament.  Stella and I joined daddy on Saturday for the night.  We didn't watch any basketball but we did do some shopping, had a nice dinner out, and played in the hotel pool.  Stella did great traveling and was a very good girl at dinner despite being out well past her bedtime.  She's a very flexible little girl so when mom feels stressed out about her having lunch a little late or not having a long enough nap it is completely unwarranted!

The highlight of the weekend was probably taking Stella to the pool.  She hasn't been in the water since the summer so we weren't sure how she'd feel about it.  She loved it!


  1. She's so adorable!!!!!! I miss you guys. Come visit us soon. Esme' is getting big.


  2. Ahhh......tooo cute! I can't stand it! We will reserve a front seat for Stella at the Zender pool this summer :-)
