Sunday, January 27, 2013

Growing Pains

Claire has joined us at the table for meals since she is getting to be such a big girl!  Moving the high chair to the basement is a great milestone to be celebrating but is also a harsh reminder that she's truly not a baby anymore.

Stella has officially moved beyond the 'terrible 2's' to a stage that makes those days appear seamless!  She is defiant, bossy and mean to Claire, but can also be such a sweet little girl - willing to help and cooperate and being a great sister who encourages smiles and giggles.

Our little ladies keep our lives very full.  Stella is starting to outgrow her naps which is allowing time for things that are sometimes easier when Claire's napping - like making cookies or visiting the playground (both things Stella really enjoys).  Claire is trying to use words but is definitely figuring out how to communicate what she wants even without words.

Next weekend gymnastics will start up again for Stella and family will be visiting from Ohio - we are looking forward to it!

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