Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 2013

I realized mid-week that we forgot to blog last week - sorry for the missed post everyone!  January has been quiet for us besides basketball so there hasn't been a lot to report.  The few games the girls have been to went fairly well - they both seem to have fun at the gym! 

Over the last two weeks Stella had her 3-year check-up and Claire her 15-month and both went great.  Claire had the usual round of vaccines for a child her age and she only cried for about 3 seconds - she's such a tough little girl!  Stella has graduated to the stand-up scale - she's getting to be such a big girl!

Both girls are growing and changing which comes with highs and lows.  Stella is now asserting herself more, which gets her time-out from now and then, and Claire is fearless in a different way than Stella ever was.  She certainly is getting more bumps and bruises!  Claire is learning more words and is imitating some animal sounds, and Stella is getting better and better at using the potty but we're not quite ready to move out of pull-ups permanently just yet.  At times we really do have our hands full - they sure do keep us busy!

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