Sunday, June 26, 2016

End of Our First School Year

Pre-K graduation was cute but brought some great emotion as we watched our baby sing loud and proud and close this first school year with smiles and cheers.  Claire's pre-k teacher, Miss Kayla Viau is a special lady who is really invested in her school and her students.  It was a proud day!

Pre-K friends - Nadia, Kennedy, Claire and Sophie.  And pics with Miss Viau, and Mrs. Jandreau.

All of the pre-k students were given a certificate for a special honor from their teachers and Claire was given the "deep thinker" award for always thinking hard in class!

Stella's class also had an end-of-the-year celebration.  Claire and I stopped by to see a little play of 'The Hungry Caterpillar'.  We are all very excited that Claire has been assigned to Mrs. Hahn's classroom in the fall!
With Mrs. Hahn

We bought the girls special adult tees for 'class of 2028 and 2029'.  Stella's print didn't turn out so great, but these will be fun keepsakes for a last day of school tradition through the years!

While we didn't capture much on camera this past weekend because we were having too much fun, we headed to Burlington on Thursday night for a long weekend at RMH and had such a relaxing and enjoyable time!  On Friday daddy played in the RMH charitable golf tournament and the girls and I spent the day at North Beach.  On Saturday we spent a couple hours at the mall, then a few hours at North Beach before heading back to volunteer.  Sunday afternoon we stopped by Auntie Caroline's to meet baby Eli, who was just five days old.  It was very exciting to meet Esme's baby brother, although the girls ran off to play with Esme and didn't pay too much attention.  In time he'll be running around with the rest of them though!  On the way home we stopped off at Cumberland Head State Park so Claire could splash around in the water and Stella could play on the playground.  We finished our weekend with dinner at Moe's.  We are so happy to be enjoying the warm weather and are thrilled summer vacation is here!

Ronald has been replaced!

Our cots from Grandpa come in really handy at RMH!

Some fun @ the mall with daddy
so mommy could shop a little!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day 2016

We had a fun afternoon at the Beach followed by dinner at Grammie and Pa's house for Father's Day this year.  It was lots of fun!  The girls and I happened to see the game 'Pie Face' @ Walmart the day before and brought that along for some laughs!  It was fun AND funny!  Here are some before and after pics.  While Mommy was the only one who didn't get creamed it wasn't for lack of participating.  Both times I spun a five and couldn't believe it never happened!

We tried to make daddy some gifts for his special day.  The paper weight was a bust, but the tie shrinky dink tie tacks turned out ok.  They sure are cute!

On Saturday Mom took Stella to a birthday party while Claire and Daddy went to the playground.  This was after shopping in Massena and visiting with Great Grandpa.  We finished the day watching "The Good Dinosaur".  The girls had seen this at school but we hadn't so we all watched it together.  It was a busy but fun day! 

Friday Mom had a retreat at a colleague's camp at Highley Flow.  Families were invited to join in the fun afterward so we all enjoyed a bbq, boat ride, and smores by the fire.  We love summer!

Wednesday night the elementary school hosted a math and movement night so we stopped by to check it out.  The girls had a great time wandering around to the different stations playing games.

We can't believe this is the last week of school!  It sure has flown by.  Up next, pre-K graduation, Kindergarten celebration, and the start of summer vacation!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Cheers and Tears

 With the school year just about over the school has planned some really fun activities for all of the kids.  On Monday, Claire's class had a field trip and Mommy joined in the fun.  We visited the Badenhauser Library for story time and a craft, we ate lunch on the lawn, learned some Zumba with Maggie, and stopped for Ice Cream on the way back to school.  It was great fun!

Friday was Larries Day for the entire elementary school.  It was packed with outdoor water games, bounce
houses, and tons of fun!  They even had a dunking booth where you could dunk the Principal!  Claire's class could dunk their teacher and listening to her recount how she "hit the red circle on the first try!" to Grammie and Pa was just precious.

Saturday was a rainy day, and although we hadn't originally planned a day trip, we decided at the last minute to head to Watertown. Chase from Paw Patrol was scheduled to be at the Reading Room at the mall and we thought the girls might enjoy meeting him. They sure did!! We heard a story, made some Paw Patrol badges, picked out coloring activity books, and Claire even had her face painted like Skye Pup. Afterward we visited target for a few goodies, then we enjoyed dinner together at Longhorn Steakhouse. We stopped at the Custard Cottage on the way home, and then dropped by Grammie and Pa's, even though it was pretty late, to wish Papa a happy 63rd birthday. It was a pretty awesome day!

Sunday was a particularly hard day at our house. Not only did we reminisce
about our sweet Trey who left us too soon, this year on this momentous day, we also said goodbye to our Pastor. As most United Methodist's know, Pastors move on, and it's almost never easy. While our girls don't know it now, Gregg has left an important mark on their spiritual journeys. Raising them to have a strong Christian foundation has always been important to me. Gregg has a terrific way of relating to children. I'm not even sure what he's making Claire giggle about in these photos but this is how we will remember our time with Gregg. Always full of laughter and goodness. He has taught the girls many things about being a Christian, but he's also(along with Miss Marna our Sunday School teacher) helped make Church a fun and loving place they generally are excited to visit. We will miss Gregg and his family dearly!