Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day 2016

We had a fun afternoon at the Beach followed by dinner at Grammie and Pa's house for Father's Day this year.  It was lots of fun!  The girls and I happened to see the game 'Pie Face' @ Walmart the day before and brought that along for some laughs!  It was fun AND funny!  Here are some before and after pics.  While Mommy was the only one who didn't get creamed it wasn't for lack of participating.  Both times I spun a five and couldn't believe it never happened!

We tried to make daddy some gifts for his special day.  The paper weight was a bust, but the tie shrinky dink tie tacks turned out ok.  They sure are cute!

On Saturday Mom took Stella to a birthday party while Claire and Daddy went to the playground.  This was after shopping in Massena and visiting with Great Grandpa.  We finished the day watching "The Good Dinosaur".  The girls had seen this at school but we hadn't so we all watched it together.  It was a busy but fun day! 

Friday Mom had a retreat at a colleague's camp at Highley Flow.  Families were invited to join in the fun afterward so we all enjoyed a bbq, boat ride, and smores by the fire.  We love summer!

Wednesday night the elementary school hosted a math and movement night so we stopped by to check it out.  The girls had a great time wandering around to the different stations playing games.

We can't believe this is the last week of school!  It sure has flown by.  Up next, pre-K graduation, Kindergarten celebration, and the start of summer vacation!

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