Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Close Encounter

A few exciting things happened today with the babies:

Trey was able to begin feeds again, he had his last dose of antibiotics, and they lowered his pain medication.  These are all steps toward becoming IV free! 

Stella took a full bottle from daddy for the first time!

Both babies had eye exams to test for a condition called retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).  The results for both babies showed that their eyes are still underdeveloped, as they should be.  It is too early to determine if either baby has ROP, but so far so good!  The test will be repeated for both babies next week.

The most exciting news of the day was that Mommy got to hold both babies together for the first time.  Stella was placed at the edge of the pillow but squirmed her way closer to her brother and ended up curled around his little bottom.  After about 45 minutes Trey started to get a little agitated (probabaly because he was really warm), but Stella didn't seem to mind at all - she slept right through his fussing.  It was really great to have the babies so close again - they haven't been near one another like this since their time in the womb.  Dad went home to coach a game vs. Madrid so he missed out.  He'll be jealous but I'm sure nurse Julie will let him have his turn tomorrow night!


  1. This is spectacular - you look so comfortable holding both babies and I am so happy to see the progress. I did hear Randy's name on 99.3 last night on my way home from work because the game was just beginning. Hope you, Randy and the babies have a great day

  2. Wonderful news. You guys look so cozy. Now that things are looking up time will fly by and you will all be home before you know it.
    Love and miss you

  3. Love the great news - you look like a natural- love the picture!
    Patti, Hank & Haley

  4. I love this picture! It's great to hear how well they are progressing. I'll keep them in my thoughts regarding ROP.
    If you would like to connect with other parents of preemies (great support), you might want to visit the March of Dimes community for preemie families called Share Your Story: http://www.shareyourstory.org/
