Monday, February 1, 2010

Cuddling with Trey!

Stella and Trey are four weeks old today and are both doing well!  Trey was able to be held by both Mommy and Daddy today - it was his first time out of bed in an entire week.  Stella tried most of her feedings today by bottle and continues to do a great job.  She tires easily but she is really trying.  Trey hates having a breathing aid up his nose, but he managed to stay calm for the majority of the day and the doctors are pleased with his progress.  They decreased his pain medication slightly today which he responded well to.  Hopefully they will begin feeding him again tomorrow.  He loves his pacifier so we are looking forward to trying a bottle with him to see how he does.  We will have to wait until he advances off the cpac though.

1 comment:

  1. Birth certificates and social security cards showed up in the mail yesterday. :)

