Monday, November 22, 2010

Pasta, Carrots, Black Beans, Kiwi, and More!

Stella has changed so much in such a short time.  She is healthy and growing and we are so happy.  Behind her success is good nutrition (which was also the foundation of her time spent in the NICU).  Watching the transformation from a formula only diet, to cereal, to baby food, and now table food has been remarkable.  We've given her mostly home-made baby food but now we are so excited to be able to begin feeding her the same things we are eating (like some of the foods listed in the title of this entry).  She is such a good eater and enjoys most everything we give her.  This week Stella has begun to feed herself, literally.  She makes a mess of course but she figures it out which makes us realize what a big girl she is becoming.  This milestone has arrived just in time for Thanksgiving so we are looking forward to all of us being able to gather around together and all eat at the same time.  We are heading to Ohio to be with family and should have some good pictures to post later in the week!

Stella had the chance to play with Gianna this week not once but twice which was lots of fun.  This photo is from Saturday evening when the girls were getting ready for bed.  Gianna was so sweet giving Stella a hug.  We know it won't be long before they will be running around together, stealing each others toys, and learning about friendship from one another.

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