Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stella's First Trip to Ohio

As mentioned in our Thanksgiving post our family traveled to Ohio to spend the holiday with the Hooley's.  Grammie and Pa came too, as well as our nephew Logan.  While we were there we were able to see Jeanie, Doug, and Jordan (family who visited from Cincinnati), and Adam and Karissa (Adam is a great friend from WVWC who we've stayed in touch with).  It was a busy visit but we had a nice time seeing everyone.  Thank you to Melissa, Dan, and their girls for hosting us for the weekend - we really enjoyed ourselves!

Stella's first bath in the kitchen sink (after 10 months we thought it was about time!)

Stella with her cousins Cailin and Dana

Stella with Adam and Karissa

P.S. Stell Belle slept through Thanksgiving dinner so we didn't get to all sit around the table together as planned.  Maybe that will happen on Christmas day instead!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Stella really enjoyed her first bath!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful thanksgiving.


