Sunday, November 14, 2010

Separation Anxiety

This week Stella had some special time with her dad in celebration of both Veteran's Day and Native American Day.We had no weekend plans so we did a little bit of shopping and mommy and Stella had a nice long nap together on Sunday afternoon.  This quiet week was just what we needed before the holidays set in.

Since it was such a quiet week we don't have too much news to share.  We are noticing that Stella is beginning to experience some separation anxiety.  She really doesn't want you to be out of her site, and she wants to be held a lot.  We are happy to have her affection but know we will have to find a balance which will work for all of us.

Since we had a quiet week (which we are so grateful for!) and don't have a lot of news we are posting some comparison pics to show how far our sweet Stell Belle has come.

November 17th is National Prematurity Awareness Day.  We hope you will join us in wearing purple in recognition of all babies who are born premature.

Stella at the beginning of January - it may look like she's relaxing but she was working hard to make up for her early arrival.

Stella in October, happy and healthy!

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