Thursday, January 14, 2010

Engines Off, Lights Out

Sorry for the late posting!  This update is really from yesterday, Wednesday, January 13.

Baby Trey had a huge day - he was taken off the oscillator (so now his room is empty and much much quieter!), and was put on a regular ventillator.  He responded well to the transition so he was able to be taken out of bed for the first time, after 10 long days.  Mommy was able to hold him for nearly two hours!

Baby Stella also made a big step today - they turned out the final photo therapy lamp so now she gets to rest peacefully in some darkness!

Mom & Dad went to the mall (which is literally a block and a half from the RMH) after being at the hospital all day so Dad could get his hair cut.


  1. Great news-glad to hear Trey and Stella are progressing along well. Both G and I have been following the blogs. You both take care.
    Tim and Gina

  2. Yeah! Way to go Trey! That is great news! Trey looks so peaceful sleeping on Mommy!

  3. Hi Beth and Randy,
    How wonderful to get the news about baby Trey and baby Stella. Glad they are continuing to make progress. Beth...your mom and dad have kept us posted. Isn't it wonderful to hold your little ones? We look forward to a time when we can do the same.

    Sally and Dave

  4. Oh how wonderful - so happy everything is going well.
    xssddddddddh yuuu hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Haley wanted to say hi to her aunt Bethey & Uncle Randy
    Give the lil' ones a hug & kiss for us
    Love you ~Patti~

  5. Wow I know that was a wonderful feeling. I am so happy for you guys. The blog was a wonderful idea. Thanks. Tell the babies Aunt Jeanie loves them and can't wait to hold them. Jordan says hi and he has many more clothes for Trey. Love you Jeanie

  6. Hello Todd Family! Your babies are so amazinly beautiful! Ribby & I are so happy for you both and glad that everyone is on the mend! Let us know if you need anything!
