Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Uneventful...but good.

Today there is not a ton to write about, which is not necessarily a bad thing.  Trey's ventilator was turned down ever so slightly, and he continues to advance in his feedings.  Stella is now at full feeds, and the milk is being enhanced with extra calories so the little peanut can try and gain some weight.  That's about it, thanks for all your comments and thoughts, please keep them coming!!

(This is Stella next to a 20oz. soda bottle at 2 weeks old - a comparison at the request of Aunt Jeanie)


  1. Hey Todd family, hang in there - slow days are ok - your little peanuts are soooo cute.
    Lets keep up the good work everybody.
    thinking of you all each & every day
    we love & miss you - lots of hugs & kisses
    ~Patti, Hank & Haley~

  2. Glad to hear that all is well. Remember slow and steady wins the race!!!

    We are loving to see the pics here. I got a little nervous when I saw the soda. LOL!!

    We certainly are missing having you around too. But it is far more important that your precious babies have you around.

    The Aubreys

  3. Hey Randy and Beth. Just wanted to see how things were going. Hang in there and "keep your head up," thats what you tell me. Hope things keep improving.Family is always first. Good luck!

