Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Visit from Mom & Dad

I finally convinced Randy to go home for a few nights to be with his boys.  The plan was for him to coach practice today, tomorrows game, and Saturday morning practice before returning to Burlington.  While he's home he'll take care of some work things (grades, leave, supply orders for next year) and he'll take care of some baby things (finishing touches on the nursery, putting together the playyard, and bringing back carseats - although it will be a while before we will need them).  It will be a wirlwind trip.  Since he holds me up everyday, I really wanted him to go home and get rejuvenated - I'm not sure how I could make it if we were both falling apart daily.

Mom and Dad came this evening to keep me company until Randy gets back since I'm not ready to be here alone just yet.  They picked me up at the hospital at 7 and we went out for Chinese.  Now we are just hanging out in our room at RMH.  It feels good to spend time with family.

The NICU was a bit of a let down for us today regarding Trey.  The diuretic that he's had has altered the ph in his blood so they had to adjust the ventillator settings back a bit.  This is our first step backward so needless to say it was disappointing.  The good news is the doctors always have a plan.  He was given another blood transfusion, and they started another type of diuretic to hopefully balance things out a bit.  They also did a blood test for a lung infection which came back negative.  Tomorrow they will test his secretions as a final check for an infection.  If Trey continues to make little progress within the next couple of days the doctors will advance to a more aggressive steroid in hopes of extubating sooner.

Miss Stella continues to do exceptional.  She is always a happy girl and she had nearly three hours of cuddle time with daddy today before he left for home.



  1. The NICU rollercoaster can be extremely frustrating. Just be thankful that there are many courses of treatment. Each of these little babies is an individual, and they just need to figure out what will work best for Trey! He will be off of that vent in no time!

  2. Hey Kiddo-
    Keep smiling, it really could be worse. You are all going to be okay, it just takes time. I know you are a little impatient (that comes from being spoiled-i'm just kidding). We all love you and you will be home in no time.
    Love you, MJ

  3. Beth,
    Please know that you, Randy and the babies are in our (good ol' PSC people) thoughts and prayers, constantly. Here's sending you plenty of positive vibes, hugs and hope, enough for the whole family! peace and love,
