Monday, January 25, 2010

Steps backward suck......Rough Day

After a very positive weekend, all four of us experienced a "rough day".  Stella recieved  another blood transfusion due to the fact that her red blood cell count was low.  Although this isn't a major issue, for Stella this is the "worst" its been. (It was inevitable that she recieve another one.)

Trey, after being started on steroids, had a couple of "episodes".  He didn't want to breathe and decided he was going to throw up and that's not the best when you have a tube down your throat.  The help from the ventilator needed to be increased to an amount that was higher than any amount that he has been on since he came off the oscillator.  These episodes are most likely due to the fact that he is probably battling a bout with pneumonia.  In the words of his mother..."the poor little guy cannot catch a break."  The steriods have been paused and two antibiotics were started.  Hopefully when we look back at this it will only be a minor hickup on the road back to the north country.

Mom and Dad are feeling fine.  We miss home, and continue to think about everyone there.  Although it is mentally exhausting, we continue to find comfort in the support we are recieving from across the lake.  So, again, thank you for your thoughts and prayers, and we can't wait to be able to share our two little angels with everyone.

A wonderful visit from "aunt" Sabrina and "uncle" Adam.

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