Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Trey and Stella were baptised this evening during a very private ceremony in Trey's room.  Dr. Bob Macauley from the Fletcher Allen Pediatric Advanced Care Team (who is also an Episcopal Priest) has been working with us for a few months so we thought it most appropriate to ask him to officiate.  Trey's nurse John took some beautiful photos and immediate family and godparents joined us via webconference.  Thank you to everyone for participating on such short notice, especially Dr. Macauley, Trey's godparents: Melissa and Dan Hooley, and Stella's godparents: Sabrina and Adam Britton.


  1. Beth & Randy,
    I had no idea that any of this was happening until Diana told me a couple of days ago. Diana is an old friend of mine since 1970, when I lived in NY. Beth, I think I may have met you once or twice. You look so much like your Mom did at your age! I will keep you all in my thoughts and pray that God will soon guide you all home to live a long, happy, and healthy life together. God bless all of you;)
    Pam Leamy

  2. This is so nice I meet him once before what a great man he is. I really hope things will get better I think of you guys everyday. Heather and Wyatt

  3. mmmmnnmnjjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjAunt Bethey & Uncle Randy - Haley wanted to say hi
    We love & miss you all very much
    hugs & kisses to Stella & Trey.

  4. what beautiful pictures, we continue to think of you all and include Trey in our daily prayers, he is such a strong boy I am sure you have some comfort now that Stella and Trey have been baptized. Sue Thomas

  5. Beth & Randy,
    What a special time you all had lastnight with the baptism. They both looked so cute. Still hoping for the best for you all. Keep smiling you both look great!
    Love, The Parkers

  6. Gorgeous, adorable, sweet , I could go on and on. So nice Dr. Macauley did the baptism. He looks so happy holding Stella and I love Trey's suit.

    Thinking of you guys.


  7. Congratulations on the childrens Baptism, it is so special no matter where it is performed. Ty was Baptized the day after he was born when his prognosis wasnt so good. I believe our children are Angels here on Earth. Think of you often and always in our prayers that things get better for Trey and all of you so you can be back in NY once again.

    Carleen & Eddie Meseck

  8. You both have such adorable babies.You are all in our prayers.If there is anything at all that any of you need please let us know. The Seveys
