Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lazy/Rainy Sunday...

Today the weather was miserable, but Trey didn't seem to mind.  He kept his sats high all day and his vent settings were able to be wheened ever so slightly.  Our son is a mystery and no one seems to be able to figure him out.  He just had surgery so everyone thought that he would be needing more meds and more support.  He said "I don't need that extra stuff, I'm tough."  So, it was a quiet day.  Trey was able to watch Tennis and then Golf with his Dad.  He seemed to enjoy the quiet time with his family!

Stella is doing great; she is a great baby.  She is starting to "talk" more, and loves to smile at anyone who comes to see her.  She is already a social butterfly, and the hospital staff loves to see her because she brightens up everyone's day!

1 comment:

  1. Someone seems to be listening to all those prayers.
