Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our Monkey In the Middle

Trey had a rough morning today and has been slow to recover.  PICU staff continues to do a great job of getting Trey out of trouble but he is requiring maximum amounts of support - the NO is back up, and he's needing 80-90% oxygen.  He continues to be sedated and the paralytic was brought back out.  The ventillator is trying to do its job while his lungs want to do another and poor little Trey is stuck in the middle with no control over what is happening.  The events of the morning are an indication that Trey has not responded to the steroid treatment. 

Since Trey's morning wasn't good daddy came to his side.  The doctors spoke to both of us today about preliminary findings from the lung biopsy.  While they are still waiting on a final report, they do know that Trey has category 4 pulmonary hypertension.  They tried another medication (milrinone) this morning which is intended for relaxing/opening the blood vessels in the heart, allowing the heart to deliver blood to and from the lungs with more ease.  Unfortnately it didn't seem to help and had to be stopped because it was causing Trey's blood pressure to drop. Today brought us great saddness as the treatment options we had such high hopes for are not having favorable results.


  1. It seems that jet lag has caught up to Pa tonight so he did not get to talk with you tonight. I will share your blog with him tomorrow. Please know that we are here for you and that you are always on our minds. We both continue to pray for a miracle. We love you.
    Mom & Dad

  2. You all are so strong, just hang in there, I know there are so many prayers out there for the family, we will continue to pray with you. Like a lot of peolpe you are always on our minds too - we love & miss you
    Hank, Patti, Haley & Skye send hugs & kisses to you all.

  3. Good Morning Todd Family. Not much going on in New York other than a little rain. I do hope that Trey has a brighter day than yesterday, bless his little heart. How are Mommy and Daddy holding up? We continue to do what we do best and that is pray. If you need ANYTHING at all please do not hesitate to ask. You continue to be strong and know that no matter what lies ahead you have so many people that love you and love the twins. Take care for now.
    XOXO Joel, Wendy, Hagen, and Adleigh XOXO

  4. We continue to pray for Trey and your family everyday! Please let us know if there is anything that you need!

  5. Randy and Beth - my heart is with you and I am praying for you and your family. You are never far from my thoughts especially when I read the blog. We are all rooting for Trey and we know Stella is definitely working her hardest to cheer him on...Nancy

  6. I think of you all every day and am here for you if you need me:)

  7. I think about you guys all the time. I wish I could do something to help. Im pretty close, so if you need me to watch Stella for the weekend just let me know!!!! Call if you need ANYTHING.

  8. Dear Beth and Randy, Thinking and praying for your family to stay strong. Trey has been the little fighter since Day 1 and no matter the outcome he has shown incredible strength and resiliance that we can only imagine. With great hope that the turning point for the better will happen soon for that little man and your family we ask God for guidance. Stay strong and keep little Stella close to help give you that something that you are all needing. Hugs and prayers,Eddie and Carleen Meseck
