Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kodak Moments

We don't have much for news today.  Trey continues to do well with the long slow process of growing healthier lungs.  We both enjoy the time we have with the babies as we long for the exciting day that we can take them both home.  Since we've had some requests to keep the pictures coming I'm posting a few from last week.

I do want to mention that I ran into Carleen Meseck today.  Carleen spent time in the NICU with her son Ty, who was discharged in February.  They were visiting Fletcher Allen today for a doctors appointment.  Ty is on oxygen and he looks great.  Since our little Trey will without a doubt be sent home on oxygen for several months it was comforting to see a baby in the community on oxygen doing so well, and to see a mom handling the situation so gracefully.  Thanks Carleen for stopping by the NICU to say hi!

1 comment:

  1. PERFECT PICTURES! I love them. You both look like proud parents.Hope you guys had a good day! Love. The Parkers
