Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Little Engine that Can!

Trey is doing very well with the respiratory support the doctors have chosen for him but unfortunately they haven't been able to lower the support at all over the last few days.  This morning they requested another blood gas and chest x-ray.  Both showed no changes.  Since the goal is to decrease his support and nothing appears to be hindering his progress they opted to increase (or double) his steroid dose.  For those of you interested in the specifics the name of the steroid he is being given is prednisolone.  Let's hope this increased dose will give him the push he needs to start lowering the amount of pressure and oxygen he is requiring to breathe.

Since we've been here forever it seems we are now willing to try just about anything to help Trey get home.  We ordered some Mozart music players for him on Friday after seeing an article circulating the NICU about babies with respiratory problems healing faster when they listened to classical music, specifically Mozart.  We also bought him the book 'The Little Engine that Could'.   Co-Bedding is not recommended here because it has been linked to SIDS, but as Nurse Heidi says Mommy 'supervised' Stella in the crib with Trey today and read them both the story.

We forgot to mention earlier that another Ronald McDonald House guest with twins in the NICU left this week and she suggested we request the suite she was in.  We did and the staff here was happy to accommodate us.  We are now in a much bigger room with two twin beds and a pull out double sofa sleeper.  This room is much more spacious than our last so we now have plenty of room for Stella's things and we were all much more comfortable this weekend when Grandma and Grandpa Goolden visited!


  1. I cant beleive how much Trey looks like Randy! Come on little man, we are all ready for you all to come home. We are all still thinking about ya xoxox The Parkers

  2. Hi Randy , Beth ,Stella and Trey,

    The previos comment that Trey looks like Randy is the truth for sure. Both babies are growing and are fabulous. I am still keeping you all in my prayers.
    Love you all
