Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Small Steps

Trey had a relatively good day today.  Some of his settings were adjusted down, he's requiring less oxygen, and some of his medications have been adjusted.  The muscle relaxant has been cut back so he is beginning to move around a lot more, has been awake some, and is doing a good job breathing over the ventillator regularly.  Overall he is doing well.

Stella has become little miss popularity in the NICU.  She is a social butterfly being passed around among the staff.  They are very generous about taking care of her to be sure I have some time to be with Trey when Randy is away.


  1. Small steps are good. Glad you are getting some one on one time w/ Trey while Randy is away. It must make the NICU staff feel good to see Stella thriving when things up there are hectic. Hang in there, you are amazing . I'll be your local cheerleader GO TODDS go:)

  2. Read through some of your blog and am hoping for the best for all of you. What an adventure you are on.
    I went to school with your Mom. I live in DeKalb Junction and yet hardly ever see her. She is one busy gal. She was and is a great pal.
    Hope thing get better and better,

  3. Hey there Todd family,

    Glad to hear Trey is doing better. GOOOO TREY! Just wanted to say hello and still sending lots of hugs, kisses and prayers your way.

    Donna Planty
