Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm finally finishing the book 'The Happiest Baby on the Block' which I started to read before I went into the hospital.  The book has taught me the art of swaddling.  Stella used to sleep with her arms out, but now we'll be trying arms down and swaddled.  She isn't a fussy baby and she does sleep well at night (except for last night because she literally slept the entire day yesterday!) but everything I've read indicates swaddling makes babies happy.  It has even brought comfort to Trey over the past few days which amazes me because he gets warm so easily.  Trey is continuing to do well intubated and every day is one step closer to the doctors feeling ready to attempt a pressure decrease - which will hopefully happen toward the end of next week. He had an eye exam today which is still showing immaturity so he'll have to have it repeated again next week.  In addition, they will do another echo of his heart on Monday to be sure the steroids aren't causing any problems with his heart - this test has been initiated because he has had some elevated blood pressures.  They are also keeping a close watch on his urine output which was slightly lower today.  Trey is steroid dependant right now which is ok, but the doctors need to be sure that any problems they cause with his heart and/or kidney are treated timely.  Trey has been coming out of bed twice each day now, and he really enjoys being held as any three month baby would - mom enjoys it too!


  1. I hope Stella slept well for you last night. Love the pic! She's
    gorgeous. Trey is one tough cookie- just like his Daddy.

  2. I am so glad that book is helping:) It was a god send to us. Lily now swaddles her baby dolls and pats them just like we did to her. It touches my heart knowing that it helped:) I love you all!
