Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dad's quick return...

After being gone for two days, Randy returned this evening.  It was a great feeling to walk into the unit and see my family.  Greatest feeling ever = your daughter smiling at you when you first say hi.  It was also great to see Trey: It had only been two days, but he looked much better tonight.  He was awake and alert, and very comfortable.  After being treated with some lasixs, his oxygen requirment came down significantly.  Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

Being here day after day with not many things changing, it is getting difficult to think of things to write about when there are not alot of changes. So, this will be a nice and short post, but at least I can "soup" it up with a picture from a few weeks back~


  1. Love the pic- hang in there. So glad Randy was able to come back so soon.

  2. You guys are doing Great on the Blog,I love to start my day with it!And of corse I LOVE THE PICTURES! I hope you all have a good weekend!
    x0x0 Jenn

  3. Hi Ya Guys; I ask Saint Jude every day to stop by and see Trey and I'm sure He does. I'm sure He winks at Stella also. Keep the faith ok.and hang tight....
