Saturday, April 17, 2010

Trey getting happier...Stella laughing...

On gloomy days it is sometimes tough to find things that inspire you.  If you're looking for some inspiration, here is what did it for us today:

First, Trey was a pretty happy boy today.  His oxygen requirement was the lowest it has been in a long time, even though it ended up going back up a bit in the evening.  He is gaining some weight, and he seems to be handling his CPAP very well.  Here are some pics:

He loves his rings!!!  (This is a mix of pics from when he was intubated and on CPAP)

Stella is doing great.  She is starting to smile and laugh more, as well as make more sounds.  It's awesome.


  1. What great pics and a wonderful video! So great to see them so happy!

  2. Trey is getting so big. I love seeing his adorable face w/out any head gear. You really do having beautiful kids. Love the Stella video - giggling at daddy.
