Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oxygen Gods

Since Trey is a big boy now he has advanced from the cpap hat.  Nurse Kristen says his new head gear makes him look like a superhero!  At any rate he's probably not as hot now.  Trey's oxgyen requirement over the past two days has steadily increased, with no real explanation as to why.  All in all he appears very comfortable so we patiently try to accept that the increased oxygen is just what he needs right now.   His IV medication was discontinued today, so the IV line is no longer being used.  Hopefully it will be removed within a few days because it is an infection risk.  Trey's growth continues to be on an upward climb - he now weighs 7 lbs. 10 oz.

Stella is doing well and is tolerating her time in the NICU thanks to the generosity of some hospital volunteers.  Thank you again to Caroline for giving us her time, and thank you to our two new volunteers Julie and Cheryl.


  1. WOW! When i said"start growing like spring flowers" I cant believe how big they are getting. We dont have to up there until june,but I might have to take a road trip to hold that little Stella!They both will be running toghter before you know it. It has been a long road, but thank god you both are such strong people.From one parent to another, YOU BOTH ARE MEANT TO BE PARENTS TO THESE TWO ANGELS,THEY WILL GIVE YOU YEARS OF LOVING AND LAUGHTER.
    Love you all so much.. The Parker Family

  2. Randy, Beth, Stella, and Trey,
    We just wanted to quickly check-in and let you know that while the lives of everyone back at home may seem to be moving forward as usual, know that there isn't a day that passes that we don't think of the Todd family and how anxious we are to have you all home again. Joel says to tell Stella and little Trey that they have to come home so that they can hang out with the Norman kids while they all watch their Daddys play softball (Go figure that Joel's wishes would be sports related...that's a man thing I suppose). We were planning on coming to visit you over the spring break; however, the Thursday right before break I came down with a terrible cold that turned into a myriad of unpleasant symptoms. So we decided that we must stay away for the safety of the twins. We send our love and support. Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything at all that we can do. XOXO

  3. P.S.

    Stella is one LOVELY little lady! So cute!
