Friday, April 30, 2010

Date Night...

As another month comes to a close, a sense of normalcy is no where to be found.  Days and days should not be spent going to and from the hospital.  It is mentally and physically exhausting, but we know that it is being done for the best reason possible. 

To try and find a bit of normal activity, Mom and Dad went to a movie while Stella stayed with Grammie and Pa.  It was sort of a date night, and ironically we saw the movie "date night".  It was pretty good, but it was great to laugh at nothing of great importance.  It was also nice to walk outside on this peaceful and gentle night.  We cannot wait for the days at home when we can have our regularly scheduled date night, which we decided we would always have. 

Trey continues to truck along.  He was awake and alert for most of the afternoon and did not require any extra medicine to calm him down.  This is a good thing because this has not happened for many days in a row.  He continues to grow and we can be sure that the long process of building new lung tissue has begun.  We understand that this will be a long journey to complete recovery, and there is no reason to rush our little engine that can!

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