Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Scare :-(

After having a great day yesterday Trey scared everyone last night.  Around 10pm his heart rate dropped and he stoped oxygenating his blood.  Essentially he had another 'BPD Spell'.  The hospital staff responded quickly and he recovered well.  Today he seemed as if nothing happened overnight.  He hasn't had an incident this bad since mid-March so this was a bit of a surprise to everyone.  It is indicative of how far we have to go - he has sick lungs and it will take time for them to heal and grow.

It was a busy day at the Ronald McDonald House tonight with three fire alarms between 5-6:30.  It turns out there was just a bad censor that needed to be replaced but it was a lot of going up and down the stairs!

The Ronald McDonald House is leased from The First Congregational Church next door for $1 each year.  Today was the exchange of rent and our family was invited to speak about our experience on behalf of house guests.  Thank you to Caroline for taking care of Stella while mommy spoke, and thank you to First Congregational Church for your generosity in making the Ronald McDonald House available to so many families! 

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