Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trey Goes for a Ride

Today Trey left the NICU briefly for an upper gastrointestinal examination.  Since Trey works so hard to breathe, eating is especially challenging and consumes a lot of his energy (which makes it difficult for him to gain weight).  One way to allow him to receive adequate calories without tiring him out is to have a gastorintestinal feeding tube placed.  Although he has been unable to eat from a bottle for quite some time the upper GI plan was initiated last week to prepare for the days ahead.  The test results showed that Trey has no reflux, which means inserting the GI tube should be a relatively easy procedure.  We are looking forward to Trey having this kind of assistance with feeding so we will discuss this concept in further detail tomorrow.

Stella and Trey took a short nap together today.  Stella usually only sleeps well in the NICU if she is being held, but today she must have been so happy and comfortable to be with Trey she did get some nap time in.  Trey has gained good weight - he is now 8 lbs. 9 oz., but Stella still has a bigger head!

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