Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Movement - well, sort of...

This morning Trey's trach was changed, not with the style they had planned on because it hasn't arrived yet but the change went well and the site has healed well.  The paralytic has been turned off so he has moved around slightly and has almost opened his eyes all the way.  Since he only peeked at mom today we still aren't sure if he has realized he is in a new room.  He continues to be heavily sedated and the vent is managing his respiratory status.  He is on lower vent settings, and has been comfortable with oxygen in the 40's and low 50's for most of the day.


  1. I love geat news first thing in the morning!Let hope this is what he has needed. I love the pic of him but of corse they touched my heart with tears. Happy tears of seeing his beautiful face with out anything hiding it!and that Stella is a little doll. Cant wait to meet her!
    Love you all
    The Parkers

  2. Mya, Kane, Jessica, MarkMay 20, 2010 at 10:22 AM

    Hey guys..How are you holding up? I check up on trey and stella almost everyday..Its nice to read that he is starting to improve..Hang in there guys he will one day be runnning around in circles and yous following.

  3. Hello Todd Family,

    It is so great to hear that Trey is making wonderful gains! Before long, you will be chasing Trey around :-)

    Thinking of you always,

    The Zender's

  4. so happy to hear all the good news, the kids are beautiful & growing so fast. Hope everything keeps moving forward and the good news keeps on coming for all of you.
    hang in there - keep taking such good care of each other
    we love & miss you lots
    patti,hank & haley
