Friday, May 21, 2010

A Good Day

Trey had a great day today.  They started to cut back on his pain medication and increased his feed volume.  He was on 40 or 45% oxygen the entire day.  He also was able to come out of bed for the first time in 10 days.  His trach may not be completely healed so we still need to be extra careful moving him, but he did have some restful time with mom.  Today he finally was able to completely open his eyes and look around, only for a few minutes though.

Stella had quality time with dad this morning while mom did some work.  Grammie and Pa are visiting for the night so after a delicious meal at RMH made by some IBM staff they visited Trey.  He was really comfortable due to sedation so they weren't able to see him awake, but they saw him nonetheless.

Things are moving along slowly, but we are heading in the right direction and that's all that matters.

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