Sunday, May 2, 2010

Waiting It Out

We spent some time outside today wandering around a shopping plaza in Williston.  Stella layed on a blanket for a few minutes and enjoyed a nice breeze - we wish Trey could have been there.  We also took Stella out in a stroller for the first time today.  Just like the car, Stella enjoys the stroller as long as it is moving!

Trey was comfortable for most of the day but he is working pretty hard to breathe.  He has ups and downs, good days and bad days though, so we are holding firm to our plan to wait things out a few weeks.  We continue to believe that it is really important to not react to any one thing and give him the patience that all babies deserve.


  1. starting Stella out right shopping is important,Its a girl thing.She really looked like she was enjoying the breeze.Trey,"come on little man,we are all waiting your next step" your sister needs you by her side.
    We love you all very much.
    xoxo The Parkers
