Saturday, May 29, 2010


Trey continues to be in a fragile state - the nitric oxide appears to be helping keep his oxygen requirement down, but the amount he is receiving was not lowered today.  The goal for tomorrow will be to begin turning it down to see if he can oxygenate without it.  He is staying sedated for most of the day with only short periods of wakefulness where he just peeks at us.  Mom read 'The Lion King' to him in the early afternoon, and Mom, Dad, & Stella talked to him briefly during the evening hours - NICU Nurse Heidi stopped by for a visit too while he was awake.  We are very sad to see Trey back on nitric, we had hoped the tracheostomy would help him turn a corner.  For now we continue to be patient and supportive by just being there for him.

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