Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trach, G-tube and Circ. --> Mission Accomplished.

As we walked in to the hospital at 6:30am, we stopped at the coffee kiosk.  The worker said to Beth; "Boy you are early today!!"  This is the sign that we have not only been here way too long, but also that Beth drinks a lot of latte!

Now on to the important stuff.  Trey went in to surgery at 745am.  The plan was to place a gasterointestinal tube, perform a tracheostomy, and if time permitted and Trey was well enough, a circumscision.  Being the tough boy that he is, he was able to handle all three.  All were successful.  The great thing is that he won't remember any of the procedures and did not feel any of it. (esp. the circ.!)  After a slight battle with bad blood gases in the afternoon hours, he has recovered rather nicely this evening.  He has a long way to go, but these first steps are very positive.  He will be heavily sedated for the next week or so until his neck heels around the trach. tube.  After that will be the exciting time, so we will wait and see.  Hopefully this time to relax and heal will also be what his lungs need to get over the hump. 

We can not possibly thank each and everyone of you who sent positive vibes our way today.  Some of you called, some emailed, some texted, some messeged on facebook, and some prayed or thought about us.  We would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you!  We could not talk to all of you personally, but I'm sure we will be in touch with all of you very soon.


  1. I'm sure Trey was covered in prayer yesterday. Never doubt its power!

  2. glad that trey is doing well after his surgery, ccontinuing to pray for your family.

  3. This is such good news. He is a trooper and so is all of his family.
    I'm following all the updates.
    (Went to school with your Mom Diana) She was/is one of my best friends. :)
