Monday, May 31, 2010

The Fox and the Hound

It was a quiet day.  There are some terrible forest fires in Canada and the wind is blowing smoke into the city of Burlington - we noticed it first thing this morning.  This afternoon mommy held Trey while we all watched 'The Fox and the Hound' together.  Stella noticed the tv this week so she did fixate on the movie for a short while.  The nitric has been weaned more than half since it was initially started on Friday, but Trey is being kept very quiet and comfortable right now.  Tomorrow we hope to meet with the lung specialist to talk some more bout the CT results.


  1. Good Luck with the lung doctor, lets hope he has good news. congrads on being a new Aunt again.
    Love you all!
    The Parkers

  2. Hello Beth & Randy just wanted hello,keep up the good work I see things are still moving ahead.Hopefully the doc has good news w/Trey.Take care & talk to you guys later.Jamie(ncci)
