Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stella Plays, Trey Sleeps

Stella is getting stronger everyday and is working hard to hold her head up for longer periods of time.  She did great on the floor with her daddy on Sunday morning.

Trey is enjoying his 'vacation' from breathing.  He has been sleeping since last Tuesday which not only has given him a much needed rest, but has allowed time for the tracheotomy to heal.  If all goes well tomorrow the trach will be changed, his paralytic will be turned off, and they will begin cutting back on the sedatives - which will take 20 days to be completely weaned.  Another central line was placed today so the previous line could be taken out - it was nine days old so it wouldn't have lasted much longer and was becoming an infection risk.  By placing a new line today he won't need to be heavily sedated for this project later - thank you to the  PICU doctors for thinking ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Come on "little man" We all LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. Let hope and ALL pray that all is well.. Beth&Randy, the Dr there are great.We are putting Madison in there hands in a week.You both are vey strong.I cant wait to give you a great big HUG!
    Thinking of you!(daily-hourly-second)
    The Parkers
